Academic antecedents of Depression and Anxiety among school Staff in Amsterdam: Interplay of Psychological Capital and Emotional Support
Aim: This study aims to investigate the effects of academic stress factors on anxiety and depression in Amsterdam school personnel, as well as the role played by psychological capital, emotional support, and depression cognitive behavioral theory.
Methodology: The study used a quantitative research approach, and 235 staff members and teachers who work in private schools in Amsterdam, Netherlands, provided data for the survey using a convenient sample technique. Structured equation modeling has been used to test study hypotheses. The study makes use of quantitative research methodology, which future researchers may augment with additional methodologies.
Findings: At Time1, longitudinal data was gathered, and 300 individuals’ demographic information was gathered along with the independent factors. The same participants’ data for the moderator, mediator, and DVS was gathered at time 2. At time 2, we had 275 completed surveys. We were left with a final response rate of 235 after excluding the incomplete and partially filled responses. A total of 235 full paired responses or 59% of the total were received and will be considered for data analysis. In addition to benefiting educators and researchers, this research study will advance the field and benefit children and parents.
Implications/Novel Contribution: Nevertheless, the important variables under investigation were constrained to a tiny sample from particular towns and organizations, making it impossible to extrapolate to a sizable population.
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