Review of insider and insider threat detection in the organizations

  • Arshiya Subhani
  • Iftikhar Alam Khan
  • Anmol Zubair
Keywords: Analyzed behavior of insiders, insider threats, insider threat detection techniques, types of insiders, metric evaluation


Aim: The insider threat is a severe issue in cyber security. Insider threats are largely overlooked by most companies. Workers, system administrators, and outside contractors all have access to confidential company data. It is critical for the organization’s finances and reputation that such sensitive information is kept secret. If sensitive information were to escape the hands of even a tiny percentage of the authorized workforce, it could cause catastrophic financial losses. Protecting a company from the potentially disastrous actions of its own employees presents a formidable challenge, and identifying and eliminating the insider threat is a crucial part of that. This study aims to determine the types of insider threats that can exist within an organization and the best methods for countering them.
Methodology: Research on the topic of insider danger is summarized in this paper. Insiders (representing types of insiders, motivation, insider access, methods used by insiders, insider profiling, and levels of insiders); Threat Detection Methods (describing methodology, techniques, datasets used to implement various insider threat detection techniques, and different analyzed user behavior); and Insider Threat Analysis (describing the various analyzed behavior of the user) are the three categories into which the research has been sorted.
Findings: Within today’s increasingly digitalized businesses, dishonest employees pose a significant risk. Since the global changes in the business environment, insider threats have become a problem for most companies. There has been an increase in the insider threat since 2019, and one primary reason is the widespread adoption of cloud computing and bring-your-own-device policies for remote work.
Implications/Novel Contribution: Future studies are encouraged to improve threat detection methods, evaluate the efficacy of existing methods using a real-world dataset, and adopt a hybrid approach to developing effective models for detecting insider threats.


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How to Cite
Arshiya Subhani, Iftikhar Alam Khan, & Anmol Zubair. (2021). Review of insider and insider threat detection in the organizations. Journal of Advanced Research in Social Sciences and Humanities, 6(4), 167-174.